Home wherever you are

Our story is a story of friendship. It celebrates the global trajectories of our lives, while we were yearning to find a sense of home, wherever fate took us.

It was by connecting with our own heritage, as much as with that of each other, 
that we found our place and rooting. Committed to honoring our shared human stories and distinct cultural narratives, we seek to showcase the beauty, and richness of the places that connect us and make us feel at home–Central Asia, Western Asia and Northern Africa.


Our journey began when we were introduced on a rooftop in Tunis, over dinner during the hot summer of 2021.

Uzbek by origin, Nigora had recently relocated to Tunisia from New York City, while Valerie, based in Berlin, Germany, was visiting on a business trip, about to reconnect with the family of her Lebanese grandfather who traded rugs across the Arab world. It wasn’t until various meetings and professional invites later that life brought us (back) together in Berlin. It was the moment our close friendship began and the idea of al Qadr was born–a few years down the line, when timing was on our side. 

Our Name

The name “al Qadr” was inspired by one of many words sharing their etymology across the regions connecting us. Being a beautiful testament to the interconnected histories of their people and lands, in Arabic “al qadr” (القدر) literally means “power,” though it commonly translates as “destiny” and “fate,” just as in Farsi and Turkish (“kader”). Further East, in Uzbek or Urdu (also “qadr”), our name represents care, value, respect, and appreciation.

Our Universe

Upon the launch of our first collection, al Qadr’s universe will gradually expand into cultural pop-up experiences in European cities, followed by exclusive travel offerings that explore the diverse countries in al Qadr’s geography. Curated for curious seekers of homes in many places.


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